Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

Phase II ESA In Chicago


Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Phase II ESA) usually follows directly after a Phase I assessment in order to address any Recognized Environmental Conditions identified in a Phase I ESA. Phase II ESAs play an important role for clients when they assess the risks of proceeding with commercial real estate transactions, lending, and re-financing. Environmental Consulting Group (ECG) is known for our quick and thorough service in providing Phase II ESAs in Chicago and surrounding areas. 
A man wearing a hard hat is holding a bottle and a light bulb
The most common type of Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is a subsurface site investigation. These investigations are usually conducted to confirm whether there has been a subsurface environmental impact on a particular property. The investigations entail sampling and laboratory analysis of soil and/or groundwater. 

What Is Included in a Phase 2 ESA?
A Phase II Subsurface Site Investigation typically includes, but is not limited to, the following tasks:
  • Collection of soil samples, and possibly groundwater samples 
  • Laboratory analysis of the soil and/or groundwater samples for specific contaminants
  • Evaluation of analytical results and a comparison to cleanup standards in accordance with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA) Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives (TACO)
  • Completing a written Phase II Environmental Site Assessment report summarizing the Phase II ESA field activities, analytical results, evaluation of analytical results, conclusions, and recommendations

Phase 2 ESA Findings and Recommendations

In many cases, the results show no detectable levels of contamination. Or, the results show that contaminants are present, but below the State’s cleanup standards. In these cases, additional investigation is usually not conducted.

In some cases, the analytical results show that contaminant levels are above the State standards. If so, ECG’s Phase II Environmental Site Assessment report will provide recommendations for additional subsurface investigation to define the extent of contamination and identify appropriate remediation methods.

Resolving Site Contamination Identified During a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment 

Even if your Phase 2 ESA reveals soil or groundwater contamination above the State standards, physical remediation (e.g., soil removal) is not required for most sites. In these cases, ECG can address the site contamination with a series of written reports that demonstrate that the site pollutants do not represent a threat to human health and the environment. 

By submitting these reports to the State, a client can obtain a No Further Remediation Letter (NFR), which releases it from further responsibilities in performing remedial action. The NFR Letter eliminates environmental obstacles that would otherwise complicate future attempts to sell or re-finance the property.

 Learn More About Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments in Chicago

 For additional information about ordering a Phase 2 ESA in the Chicago area, please call an ECG   senior project manager at 866-265-5184.
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