April 1, 2019
The subject site is an irregular-shaped property approximately one acre in size. The site was developed in the early 1950s with the current one-story industrial building. The initial Phase I site assessment identified at least one leaking underground storage tank. Services ECG conducted soil and groundwater testing at several points at the site. The results showed significant concentrations of volatile organic compounds in both the soil and groundwater. In addition, the testing showed “free product” or pure chemical floating on top of the shallow groundwater. The area of free product was approximately 60 feet by 50 feet. To address the pure chemical layer on the groundwater, ECG installed five recovery wells to capture and remove the chemical. To address the soil contamination, ECG used a chemical “in-situ” remediation method utilizing chemical oxidation. ECG also removed four 10,000-gallon underground tanks. In December 2015, ECG completed final confirmation sampling at the property, approximately two years after the initial injections. ECG submitted the remediation report to the Illinois EPA and a “No Further Remediation” Letter was issued for the site.